YOU for Students

Security & Privacy

YOU for Students

Security & Privacy


Trusted Partners


We host our database and content management system on Heroku, a managed service that provides both security and maintenance to YOU. With Heroku, we are able to ensure all data resides within the U.S., that only our team can access content hosted in our environment, and that we are scalable to support our growing network of partners.

Amazon Web Services

Using EC2 and S3 provided by AWS, our single sign-on servers and asset storage are protected by one of the leading cloud service providers. From high uptime, to the ability to manage geographically dispersed redundancies, AWS security helps us prepare for best case and worst case scenarios.


Hosting our frontend web applications, Vercel is our partner of choice for providing fast and resilient web experiences. Their platform includes DDoS and Firewall protection to create end-to-end security for YOU. Combined with Heroku and AWS, we are able to provide granular security at each layer and separate internal access by role and platform.

Driving Behavior Change

Built on years of primary and secondary research, the YOU platform was developed by behavioral health experts as a scalable and effective solution for higher ed. Click below to learn more about YOU, and connect with us to explore how our research-backed technology powers steadfast behavior change for students at any institution.

YOU Platform Impact

Independent analysis shows that the YOU platform’s data-driven, science-backed model sets up individuals from diverse populations for long-term success. Want to learn more about our impact? Click below to explore data insights, testimonials, and research.

YOU Security Documentation

If you are interested in reviewing the YOU platform’s HECVAT, SOC2, or Technical Launch Guidelines documentation, click the link below to contact our team today!

YOU Security Documentation

If you are interested in reviewing the YOU platform’s HECVAT, SOC2, or Technical Launch Guidelines documentation, click the link below to contact our team today!

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