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eCampus News: A Shift Toward Wellbeing to Address Student Mental Health

By the YOU at College Team,4/23/2019

Read the article in eCampus News.

YOU campus partner, Dan Bureau, AVP of Student Success at the University of Memphis, shares why his campus adopted the YOU portal to connect with students before their symptoms reach a critical point.

“We discovered there are a variety of ways to approach wellbeing online. But it’s critical that any solution provides immediate “on demand” (and private) access to resources and services so students can feel comfortable exploring any problem they’re experiencing. Issues like test anxiety, how to make new friends, or feelings of depression may not be topics every student is comfortable discussing with educators, classmates, or even friends and family. Some of these are topics students may not even recognize as problems. A well-researched and comprehensive online platform must anticipate needs and identify assistance that students may not even know they need.

Ultimately, our search led us to consider YOU at College, which we first learned about at the 2018 NASPA National Conference in Philadelphia. We were impressed with the platform’s initial results. Surveys of students using the YOU portal show that 98 percent of first-year users learned a new skill or resource to support their wellbeing. In addition, 76 percent of students reported improved stress management and 87 percent reported learning of campus resources they had previously not used.”

mental health
student support