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University Business: The hidden health crisis on campus

By the YOU at College Team, 11/14/2016

Read the article in University Business.

Grit Digital Health’s Director of Clinical Programs, Nathaan Demers, Psy.D., explains how technology can be used beyond subsidizing therapy sessions to reach otherwise silently struggling students in this piece published by University Business.

“Technology can be a powerful resource for behavioral health care. It grants a level of comfort and anonymity to those who have questions or concerns about their mental health, making it easier to reach people who otherwise might not seek help.

Telehealth solutions—like patients meeting their therapists for sessions over Skype or using mood tracking mobile apps in tandem with treatment—are growing in popularity. A number of vendors are expanding telehealth services to support psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists and their patients this year. For colleges and universities, leveraging technology to provide mental health and well-being resources can help campus counseling centers that are already stretched thin reach more students in need of support.”

mental health
student support
well-being tools