The annual NASPA Strategies Conference is designed to be a collaborative space where student affairs professionals can explore strategies to effectively address substance abuse prevention, mental health, sexual violence prevention and response, and well-being through a variety of comprehensive and integrative approaches.
The YOU at College team is excited to join thousands of student affairs team members in Boston to explore how our comprehensive approach to support mental health, well-being, and student success through innovative digital solutions designed to provide personalized, tailored experiences to support students with their real-time unique needs. During the conference, our Partner Success Manager – Becci Jacobs, MSW – will host a session with our campus partners from CSU Fullerton around how our unique approach to student-centered research, implementation, and evaluation bolsters efforts to streamline crisis navigation for students at CSU Fullerton. See below for more details:
- Conference Session – January 16, 2:30-3:30 PM EST, Provincetown – Marriott
- Title: How Campuses Can Make Finding Help Easy: A Student Centered Approach
- Presenters: Dr. Vincent Vigil, Sr. Associate Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, California State University-Fullerton; Chelsea Strohm, Assessment Analyst, California State University-Fullerton; Becci Jacobs, Partner Success Manager, Grit Digital Health
If you’re at the conference, come stop by our booth to explore how our comprehensive suite of solutions can support your campus with a full continuum of care. Our solutions include:
- YOU for Students – Comprehensive, upstream care, personalized for every student.
- YOU for Faculty & Staff – the comprehensive YOU model personalized for professionals.
- Nod – a first-of-its-kind app addressing loneliness, depression for college students.
- HelpCompass – 24/7 crisis triage support connecting students to the right resource in the right moment.
We look forward to connecting with you in Boston!