The YOU at College team is excited to collaborate with an amazing group of student affairs professionals in Las Vegas at the 2023 NASPA Western Regional Conference. From Saturday, November 4th through Monday, November 6th, we will be discussing how our evidence-based digital tools can support students, faculty and staff mental health, well-being, and success.
During the conference, our team has three speaking opportunities. See below for more information and be sure to mark them on your conference app:
- Sunday, November 5th | 11:40 AM | Andalucia: Pre-Conference Institutes: AVP / Dean of Students Institute Presentation
- Monday, November 6th | 1:00 PM | Marquis 1: Promoting Accessible and Inclusive Well-Being for Students: Implementing A Comprehensive and Personalized Digital Tool at UNLV
- Monday, November 6th | 1:00 PM | Marquis 7: Designing for Impact: A Case Study in Leveraging User-Centered Design for Student Well-Being
If you’re at the conference, come stop by our booth for a quick hello and to explore how our comprehensive suite of solutions can support your campus with a full continuum of care. Our solutions include:
- YOU for Students – Comprehensive, upstream care, personalized for every student.
- YOU for Faculty & Staff – the comprehensive YOU model personalized for professionals.
- Nod – a first-of-its-kind app addressing loneliness, depression for college students.
- HelpCompass – 24/7 crisis triage support connecting students to the right resource in the right moment.
We look forward to connecting with you in Las Vegas!